This week has been very weird for me as a blogger. Tuesday was wicked awesome as I finally got the last two gaming units to complete my next generation collection. I finally got a Playstation 3 and PSP, so I now can official play any new game out there on any system. My PC is finally up to snuff to play most of the newest games out on the market (no, not Crysis and no, not Hellgate London), I have both handhelds, Nintendo DS and Sony PSP and I have all three console, Nintendo Wii, Sony PS3 and Xbox 360.
Plus I got a few new games for my new systems: Patapon, which you can read the review for below, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, God of War: Chains of Olympus, Hot Shots Golf and Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. I also got a new Duel Shock 3 controller, because who can live without vibrating controllers nowadays. These were an early birthday present from a friend of mine and he totally rules the gaming world for it.
For the rest of you, my birthday is April 29th and I don't need multiple copies of GTA IV in the mail box that day. Final Fantasy figures will be just fine. :)
Anyways, so that Tuesday and what a wicked day it was. Best of all, I got a paid day off and my dog finally got shaved, so he's in a better mood now.
Wednesday, however was a completely different story. After reading this story on Game|Life about how bloggers are practically killing themselves for their hobbies, I start experiencing these horrible pains in the side of my stomach at 10:00am and at first I think they're muscle pains or something, but they just kept getting worse and worse until I couldn't sit, stand, and just barely lay down.
I managed to get dressed and my bf took me to the hospital. After one angry nurse, a security call threat, one urine test, one blood test, one ultra sound and exactly 8 hours with no food or water, and one major headache, the doctors concluded that either I had a problem A or problem B, neither which they could test for and both would go away in a day or two.
All I can do is eat light and take it easy = videogames and soup.
Somehow karma always get you in the end. One good day always means a really sucky day later down the road. I guess my good day was just too good and I had to pay the ferryman the next day.
Anyone wanting to hook up with me online can find me on the PS Network as CPAIR747.
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